Majors 01 1500X750

The 资本 MSN is flexible and comprehensive. 你可以从三个专业领域中进行选择:教育、管理或法律研究. 资本是俄亥俄州中部地区唯一一所提供MSN/JD或MSN/MBA双学位课程的护理项目. 这些双学位课程非常适合那些追求行政道路的护士,这些道路需要很强的法律知识, 合规, 行政, and leadership skills.

A degree with distinction

Elevate your career – and your purpose.

Master of Science in 护理

你的护理事业已经从你照顾过的病人那里获得了无数的回报, the institutions you’ve served, and the personal feeling of purpose you’ve experienced in your work. 现在是时候在你的职业生涯和生活道路上迈出下一步了,从一个成熟的MSN, highly respected university. One that is close to home, offers maximum flexibility, and connects you to an expansive network of nursing professionals. At 资本, our teaching is grounded in a holistic philosophy. 我们相信你和你的每个病人一样独特,所以我们设计了一个项目,让你在短短两年内毕业——或者以最适合你生活的速度毕业, 家庭, 和职业.

What can you do with a degree in this academic area?

  • 护士经理
  • Clinical Instructor
  • 质量 and 安全 Man年龄r
  • Health Policy Analyst
  • Operations Man年龄r
  • Health Informatics 引领er
  • Clinical Nurse 引领er
  • 护士教育工作者

Join Us for a Virtual Information Session

Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6 PM


Years of 护理教育 Excellence


Week Class Formats


Hours of Field Experience

Explore this Program

Experiential Learning

关闭 to downtown Columbus, 首都周围有五家Magnet®医院,这些医院在护理质量方面获得了最高水平的认可. Through clinical field experiences, 你将从俄亥俄州中部一些参与最佳实践的最好的护士那里观察并获得护理和领导技能. 这是一个双赢的局面:你将站在你所在领域的最前沿,并发展你的专业和职业关系. 我们的毕业生在中西部一些最受尊敬的健康和教学组织担任领导职务,包括:

  • The Wexner Medical Center
  • Hospice of Central Ohio
  • OhioHealth
  • Nationwide Children’s Hospital
  • Otterbein University
  • Mt. Carmel College of 护理
  • Cedarville University
  • 卡梅尔山健康中心
  • Columbus Public Health
  • Fairfield Medical Center
  • Grady Memorial Hospital
Learn at Your Own Pace

MSN的在线课程分为8周或16周两种形式,允许你一次学习一到两门课程. 课程是异步的,这是一种主要依靠在线学习的形式. 你将与其他学生在线合作,这将最大限度地提高你的学习灵活性. 你将在需要现场实践的课程中获得实地经验. 在你的项目中,你还将在选定的关键时刻呆在校园里,这让你有机会与教授进行个人互动, 的同学, and our beautiful campus. All MSN students can expect:

  • 360+ hours of field experience
  • 20 students or fewer per class
  • 6 semesters of full-time study
  • Options for full-time or part-time enrollment
入学 Dates and Criteria

MSN students can apply at any time during the calendar year. Students are enrolled three times during the year: August, January and May.

在俄亥俄州获得执照的护士,以及通过全国护理认证委员会(NLNAC)或大学护理教育委员会(CCNE)认证的护理项目的毕业生,都可以进入该课程。. 入学 will not be denied on the basis of race, 宗教, 年龄, 性, color, 残疾, 性ual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or political affiliation. 申请人被要求提供与他们的学术相关的信息, intellectual and professional abilities through college transcripts, personal references, and a writing sample.

Master of Science in 护理 Program Concentrations

护理 Administration

In the 护理 Administration track, 课程侧重于领导力发展和技能建设,以促进专业间/内部团队合作和项目实施. 行政管理专业的毕业生将为在患者医疗保健领域担任高级护理管理和临床领导的角色做好准备, quality and safety, and evidence-based practice. 课程还包括资本的MBA课程,这将通过扩展你的护理基础来补充你的教育,包括一个重要的领导视角. 这些课程为你在以后的职业生涯中自信地攻读MBA创造了机会, if that is of interest to you.



In the 教育 track, 课程集中在主题和经验,将准备你在护理的角色, continuing or higher education, or nursing staff development. 教育集中是护理专业人士谁有兴趣和热情教病人和家庭, mentoring and guiding nursing students, and educating fellow healthcare professionals. 我们的课程和讨论将探讨学习理论和评估护理教育的趋势. 你获得的技能和知识将使你成为一名护士教育工作者.


护理 Legal Studies

In the 护理 Legal Studies track, 课程侧重于护理实践与法律的交叉和合作. 法律研究专业的毕业生为风险管理/分析方面的工作做好准备, regulation/合规, 卫生政策, and managing legal issues in the healthcare system. 作为一名法学专业的学生,你将在威尼斯人平台法学院学习一些课程. 这将威尼斯人平台你一个独特的机会来学习法律,并考虑在未来某个时候攻读法律学位的可能性.


质量 & 安全

成为质量和安全方面的专家在护理专业的各个领域都是必不可少的. 这个MSN浓度为您提供关键知识和实践经验,使用数据来检查全球健康趋势,以领导将影响患者护理和增强医疗保健的变革举措. 我们的课程让您有机会与绩效和流程改进(PPI)项目的跨学科专家一起工作,并获得医疗质量和安全方面的先进经验.


Post-Graduate 护理教育

For nursing professionals seeking to move into an advanced practice role, 资本 offers a Certificate of 护理 option. 有兴趣的候选人必须具有护理学硕士学位和成人临床专业背景. 证书课程包括课程作业和500小时的临床经验. 毕业生将获得成人和老年人健康促进和疾病管理方面的专业知识,并成为技术娴熟的领导者,其工作重点是改善成人老年学人群的护理.


  • Applied Healthcare Statistics
  • Advanced 护理 Science and Theory
  • Foundations of Holistic Practice
  • Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Practice
  • Healthcare Technology and Informatics
  • Ethical and Policy Issues in Contemporary 护理
“After 8 years as a practicing nurse in the field, I challenged myself with a trajectory change to pursue a master’s degree. I love the small classes and making new friends. There is an openness with the professors that I find amazing. 这段经历让我与新医院建立了联系,也让我萌生了成为儿科临床讲师的想法.”

- Christine Heckler, MSN: 教育, Class of 2023